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Tag: Wine

OpenGD77CPS running well on linux/wine (DFU mode didnt checked yet)

Disclaimer: there is NO password provided somewhere in the post, you need to get actual firmware/microcode and do some steps manually. Also you need carefuly read the f.cking manuals provided by vendor, manufacturer, ODM or OEM vendor to avoid getting some unexpected results before run any commands or apply any configurations. All steps provided is abnormal and should not be used in prod environment. In some extraodinry cases you simply ruin your whole installation ;)

This is all about codeplugs not programming f/w, libusb is another story.

Problem: OpenGD77CPS.exe can not detect any avail COM ports under wine.

I’ll asume:

  • you running under normal user (not root)
  • there is no permission problem (under arch u only need to add user into uucp group)
  • also preferable to create new clean win32 wine env (to avoid any possible problems with dotnet, for example)
  • you are familar (a little bit) with linux/wine
  • there is NO another connected cdc-acm devices  

Пилотаж. Выбор сима для Mac OS X.

После очередного удара модели вертолета об край стола (“блин, ну он же далеко был” – стандартная отмазка для меня – не катит) озадачился тренажером под Mac OS X.